
Our website is absolutely chocked full of bikes, components, apparel, and accessories. We've created the Jenson Blog as a tool for cyclists to learn all about the ins-and-outs of the bike world. Use our guides, how-to's, and reviews to navigate the immense options of bike parts or just a bit of two-wheeled entertainment.

Search Results for "MTB"
Guide to Traveling With Your Bike

Guide to Traveling With Your Bike

Traveling with your bike can take you on all sorts of adventures, but sometimes it can be an adventure just trying to figure out how to safely take your bike with you. This guide is full of tips and tricks to help ease the pain of protecting your steadfast stead and finding new adventures on two wheels. 

Jerseys 101

Jerseys 101

You've heard rumblings at the brewery from mud covered friends about an amazing ride they just had or from a co-worker inviting you on an after work escape to get some fun exercise. The smiles and enthusiasm these individuals share is derived from the two-wheeled, ridiculously blissful experience called mountain biking. Before we talk brands and components, it is important to understand the types of mountain biking and what makes a bike right for you.

Best MTB Tires

Best MTB Tires

Mountain biking is a diverse sport that ranges from full-out pedal fests to hard-charging gnarly descents. But, most riders find themselves riding somewhere in the middle; a mix of climbs, tech, descents, and fun jumps. As 2018 comes to a close, we compiled a list of MTB tires that fall in this range of riding and excel at what they do. We surveyed our employees and our customer reviews to determine each winner. Read on to find out which tires won and why?  This guide of the best MTB Tires will help you find the right tires to put between you and the dirt.

Kendall vs. Kendall Podcast - Episode 1: Pilot

Kendall vs. Kendall Podcast - Episode 1: Pilot

Kendall vs. Kendall is an "all things bike" podcast featuring Jeff Kendall-Weed and JensonUSA's Seth Kendall. The Podcast dives into the bike industry, hot new trends and products, influential riders, and tips for becoming a better rider.

Kendall vs. Kendall Podcast - Episode 2: Wheel Wars

Kendall vs. Kendall Podcast - Episode 2: Wheel Wars

A major aspect of recent bike innovations has come from the changing world of wheel sizes. Jeff and I break down the how, why, and where next of bike wheel sizing on this 2-part series of Kendall vs. Kendall. Be sure to check out the second episode of this series.

Kendall vs. Kendall Podcast - Episode 3: Wheel Wars Cont.

Kendall vs. Kendall Podcast - Episode 3: Wheel Wars Cont.

Kendall vs. Kendall is an "all things bike" podcast featuring Jeff Kendall-Weed and JensonUSA's Seth Kendall. The Podcast dives into the bike industry, hot new trends and products, influential riders, and tips for becoming a better rider.